CATALYZE is one of multiple USAID Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Hub projects aimed at strengthening partnerships with new or underutilized private sector firms. The PSE Hub includes a growing network of approximately 250 partners that provide niche technical expertise to USAID projects with a focus on mobilizing addition private investment alongside USAID funds.

CATALYZE crowds in new partners through CATALYZE’s blended finance activities in frontier markets and social sectors, and thereby increase PSE Hub projects’ access to niche technical and financial expertise. On this Procurement website, CATALYZE publishes a pipeline of upcoming solicitations for this network and other potential partners to bid on. To join the PSE Hub Partner Network and be notified when solicitations are released please sign up here.


Active procurements are listed below. Please click the link to access the solicitation.

Title Description Country
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0059 Partnership and Innovation Facility-Amendment-03 Palladium seeks interested parties to submit interest in receiving funding to implement activities to enhance the resiliency and sustainability of enterprises and create employment, particularly for youth and women in Ethiopia. *Attachment A – Concept Note Template* *Attachment B – Initial Cost Proposal Template* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0135-Amendment-01 The purpose of the RFP is to establish a network of business advisory service providers (BASPs) that provide quality services to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by helping them develop and execute solutions that drive sustainable business growth in MS4G priority sectors (i.e., WASH, food security, and fertilizer). *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Ethiopia


The CATALYZE APEP Accelerator Activity seeks to engage qualified TASPs to meet the need of the private sector enterprises in the target sectors in accessing financing more effectively.  Under this RFP, TASPs are individuals and/or organizations which will advise enterprises to strengthen their business models, identify relevant financial partners depending on the enterprise needs to ensure an appropriate financing vehicle is utilized, assist in the preparation of due diligence materials and financing applications to financial intermediaries, and assist with any meetings/due diligence required to receive approval for the financing. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – Sample Opportunity Description* *Attachment 3 – Illustrative Payment Examples* *Attachment 4 – Illustrative Pipeline*

CATALYZE APEP Accelerator busca contratar TASPs para responder a la necesidad de las Empresas del sector privado en los sectores objetivo en acceder a la financiación de manera más eficaz.  En el marco de esta RFP, los TASPs son personas y/u organizaciones que asesorarán a las empresas para fortalecer sus modelos de negocio, identificar a socios financieros relevantes en función de las necesidades de la empresa para garantizar que se utiliza un vehículo de financiación adecuado, ayudar en la preparación de los materiales de diligencia debida y las solicitudes de financiación a los intermediarios financieros, y ayudar con cualquier reunión/diligencia debida necesaria para recibir la aprobación de la financiación. *Anexo 1 – Debida Diligencia* *Anexo 2 – Ejemplo de Descripcion de la Oportunidad* *Anexo 3 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pago* *Anexo 4 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pipeline* *Teams – Guia de Registracion*



The CATALYZE APEP Accelerator Activity seeks to engage qualified TASPs to meet the need of the private sector enterprises in the target sectors in accessing financing more effectively.  Under this RFP, TASPs are individuals and/or organizations which will advise enterprises to strengthen their business models, identify relevant financial partners depending on the enterprise needs to ensure an appropriate financing vehicle is utilized, assist in the preparation of due diligence materials and financing applications to financial intermediaries, and assist with any meetings/due diligence required to receive approval for the financing. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – Sample Opportunity Description* *Attachment 3 – Illustrative Payment Examples* *Attachment 4 – Illustrative Pipeline*

CATALYZE APEP Accelerator busca contratar TASPs para responder a la necesidad de las Empresas del sector privado en los sectores objetivo en acceder a la financiación de manera más eficaz.  En el marco de esta RFP, los TASPs son personas y/u organizaciones que asesorarán a las empresas para fortalecer sus modelos de negocio, identificar a socios financieros relevantes en función de las necesidades de la empresa para garantizar que se utiliza un vehículo de financiación adecuado, ayudar en la preparación de los materiales de diligencia debida y las solicitudes de financiación a los intermediarios financieros, y ayudar con cualquier reunión/diligencia debida necesaria para recibir la aprobación de la financiación. *Anexo 1 – Debida Diligencia* *Anexo 2 – Ejemplo de Descripcion de la Oportunidad* *Anexo 3 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pago* *Anexo 4 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pipeline* *Teams – Guia de Registracion*

Dominican Republic
RFP-CATALYZE-APEP-2024-0007 The CATALYZE APEP Accelerator Activity seeks to engage qualified TASPs to meet the need of the private sector enterprises in the target sectors in accessing financing more effectively.  Under this RFP, TASPs are individuals and/or organizations which will advise enterprises to strengthen their business models, identify relevant financial partners depending on the enterprise needs to ensure an appropriate financing vehicle is utilized, assist in the preparation of due diligence materials and financing applications to financial intermediaries, and assist with any meetings/due diligence required to receive approval for the financing. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – Sample Opportunity Description* *Attachment 3 – Illustrative Payment Examples* *Attachment 4 – Illustrative Pipeline* *Teams Registration Guide* Barbados


The CATALYZE APEP Accelerator Activity seeks to engage qualified TASPs to meet the need of the private sector enterprises in the target sectors in accessing financing more effectively.  Under this RFP, TASPs are individuals and/or organizations which will advise enterprises to strengthen their business models, identify relevant financial partners depending on the enterprise needs to ensure an appropriate financing vehicle is utilized, assist in the preparation of due diligence materials and financing applications to financial intermediaries, and assist with any meetings/due diligence required to receive approval for the financing. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – Sample Opportunity Description* *Attachment 3 – Illustrative Payment Examples* *Attachment 4 – Illustrative Pipeline*

CATALYZE APEP Accelerator busca contratar TASPs para responder a la necesidad de las Empresas del sector privado en los sectores objetivo en acceder a la financiación de manera más eficaz.  En el marco de esta RFP, los TASPs son personas y/u organizaciones que asesorarán a las empresas para fortalecer sus modelos de negocio, identificar a socios financieros relevantes en función de las necesidades de la empresa para garantizar que se utiliza un vehículo de financiación adecuado, ayudar en la preparación de los materiales de diligencia debida y las solicitudes de financiación a los intermediarios financieros, y ayudar con cualquier reunión/diligencia debida necesaria para recibir la aprobación de la financiación. *Anexo 1 – Debida Diligencia* *Anexo 2 – Ejemplo de Descripcion de la Oportunidad* *Anexo 3 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pago* *Anexo 4 – Ejemplo Ilustrativo de Pipeline* *Teams – Guia de Registracion*



Palladium seeks to engage individual consultants or an organization to support the implementation (e.g., interview, code, analyze) of in-depth qualitative interviews in Paraguay as part of the ongoing CATALYZE’s ECCE impact evaluation activities in the region to improve women’s employability, physical and emotional well-being, and household dynamics. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form*

Palladium busca involucrar a consultores individuales o a una organización para apoyar la implementación (por ejemplo, entrevistas, códigos, análisis) de entrevistas cualitativas en profundidad en Paraguay como parte de las actividades de evaluación de impacto en curso de AEPI de CATALIZE en la región para mejorar la empleabilidad, el bienestar físico y emocional de las mujeres y la dinámica del hogar. *Anexo 1 – Debida Diligencia* *Anexo 2 – FFATA Formulario*



Palladium seeks the services of a research/evaluation firm to implement an assessment in Burkina Faso. The assessment aims to gauge the effectiveness of the capital injection intervention in improving women’s incomes and savings by facilitating their investment in larger-scale productive economic activities. The research firm will document valuable lessons learned and provide recommendations to inform future USAID programming. Furthermore, it will offer insights to Financial Institutions (FIs) on sustaining financing for savings groups (SGs) beyond the conclusion of the CATALYZE F4R activity.

Palladium sollicite les services d’un bureau ou cabinet d’études/évaluation pour mettre en œuvre une évaluation au Burkina Faso. L’évaluation vise à évaluer l’efficacité de l’intervention d’injection de capitaux pour améliorer les revenus et l’épargne des femmes en facilitant leur investissement dans des activités économiques productives à plus grande échelle. La société de recherche documentera les précieuses leçons apprises et fournira des recommandations pour éclairer les futurs programmes de l’USAID. En outre, il offrira aux institutions financières (IF) des informations sur le financement durable des groupes d’épargne (GE) au-delà de la fin de l’intervention de l’activité CATALYZE F4R.

*Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template*

Burkina Faso

For upcoming solicitations, refer to the Forecast. For previous solicitations, visit the Archive.

CATALYZE is a USAID-funded project and follows all procurement guidelines as set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulation. All procurements are conducted in a fair and transparent manner in order to ensure that USAID is benefiting from the best that the market has to offer.


CATALYZE is a global project working in multiple sectors. Click here to see current job opportunities.