Below are a list of procurements released by CATALYZE which are no longer active procurements.

Title Description Country
RFP-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0114-Amendment-02 The purpose of this RFP is to identify organizations to train CATALYZE participants, high school graduates between the ages of 18 and 24, in preparation for entering the workforce. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form**Q&A Document* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0003 The purpose of this RFP is to identify an organization to, alongside CATALYZE staff, co-develop or adapt a peer mentorship curriculum (targeted to girls aged 14-18) and to train young adult CATALYZE participants (women aged 18-24) to deliver the curriculum and act as peer mentors. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0105 CATALYZE ECCE is seeking to engage a consultant to oversee ECCE grants and monitoring activities in Honduras. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* CATALYZE AEPI esta buscando un(a) consultor(a) para supervisar las subvenciones y actividades de monitoreo en Honduras. *Documento 1 – Debida de Diligencia* Honduras
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0106-Amendment-01 CATALYZE ECCE is seeking to engage a consultant to oversee ECCE grants and monitoring activities in Paraguay. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* CATALYZE AEPI esta buscando un(a) consultor(a) para supervisar las subvenciones y actividades de monitoreo en Paraguay. *Documento 1 – Debida de Diligencia* Paraguay
RFP-CATALAYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023​-0121 CATALYZE is seeking to engage a Transaction Advisory Service Provider (TASP) under a Pay-for-Results (P4R) incentive program to facilitate and incentivize the debt restructuring process. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0107-Amendment-01 Palladium seeks the services of a research/evaluation firm to support an impact evaluation in Paraguay. The selected research firm will work with Palladium’s evaluation team to support the final design of the evaluation, be responsible for field work and all data collection, data analysis, and producing the draft of the final report. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Doc – English* *Preguntas y Respuestas – Espanol* Paraguay
RFI-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0108-Amendment-02 CATALYZE ECCE seeks information in order to provide additional services to select households with a child/children enrolled in ECCE centers receiving CATALYZE ECCE support. As we define the scope of services, CATALYZE ECCE aims to better understand the landscape for both vocational service provision and gender norms training in the country. *Solicitud de informacion en espanol-0108* Paraguay
RFP-CATALYZE-Sahel-2023-0007 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels, bureaux d’études) au Burkina Faso pour la mise en œuvre du Programme de Subvention pour l’Amélioration de la Disponibilité et de l’Accessibilité aux Intrants Agricoles Clés sous la Plateforme d’Investissement en Capital Mixte CATALYZE. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet ICDE, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. *Annexe A – Formulaire de laudit* *Annexe B – Certifications, assurances, declarations* *Annexe C – Tableau recapitulatif des financements* *Annexe D – Questionnaire* *Annexe E – Code de conduite* *Annexe F – Modele de contrat* Burkina Faso
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0108 Palladium seeks to subcontract the services of a research firm in Honduras in to conduct implementation research in Honduras with the goal of assessing the outcomes of the EduFinance team’s interventions in ECCE centres. The research will consider the extent to which these interventions lead to improved learning and developmental outcomes for children and improvements in service quality. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Honduras
RFI-CATALYZE-APEP-2023-0073 The CATALYZE APEP Accelerator Activity intends to award one or more grants to existing enterprise support organizations. The grantee(s) will provide capacity building and other types of support to a range of startup enterprises. We envision two tiers of support for the Activity. “Tier 1” support will serve micro-enterprises with less than $50,000 in revenue and consist of virtual capacity building. “Tier 2” support will serve social and impact enterprises with over $100,000 in revenue and ability to reach over 100 beneficiaries. CATALYZE APEP Accelerator requests information on a series of questions related to Tier 1 and 2 operating environments. Barbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and/or Uruguay
RFP-Edu-2023-0109 Palladium seeks to subcontract the services of a research firm in Paraguay to conduct implementation research in Paraguay with the goal of assessing the outcomes of the EduFinance team’s interventions in ECCE centres. The research will consider the extent to which these interventions improved the effectiveness of teaching methods, classroom management, and student engagement. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Paraguay
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-WBR-2023-0395 Palladium seeks to engage a short-term consultant to support the Senior Relationship Manager in managing grantee relationships in El Salvador. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-WBR-2023-0394 The purpose of this RFP is to engage a short-term consultant to act as Senior Relationship Manager and oversee relationships with the four banks and two grantees from the design challenge for the WBR team. Specific tasks may include leading ongoing communications with partners on relevant activities, providing inputs to procurements required to carry-out agreed upon scopes of work, developing learning products, and engaging closely with the CATALYZE WBR team to define the strategic direction for the grants. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0110-Amendment-01 Palladium would like to engage the services of a Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) consultant for the CATALYZE ECCE Paraguay activity. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* Global
RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2023-0396 Palladium, como parte de la implementación del Proyecto de USAID CATALYZE WBR, esta buscando para contratar una empresa especializada para realizar una evaluación de las oportunidades de Nearshoring para impulsar mejores resultados económicos para las PyMEs lideradas por mujeres y de las empleadas mujeres en el Salvador. *Documento 1 – Formulario para propuesto* El Salvador


Palladium is seeking applications from local accelerators and startup enterprise support organizations that are interested in scaling and increasing the capacities of social and impact focused startup enterprises within Latin America and the Caribbean. *Annex A – Concept Note* *Annex B.1 – Full Technical Application – Word* *Annex B.2 – Full Technical Application – PPT* *Annex C – Cost Application* *Annex D – Certifications and Representations* *Annex E – FAA Template* *Teams Event Registration Guide

Palladium está buscando solicitudes de aceleradoras locales y organizaciones de apoyo a startups que estén interesadas en escalar y aumentar las capacidades de startups con enfoque social y de impacto dentro de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. *Anexo A – Nota de Concepto* *Anexo B.1 – Formulario de Aplicacion Completa – Word* *Anexo B.2 – Formulario de Aplicacion Completa – PPT* *Anexo C – SDA Formato de Aplicacion Presupuestario* *Anexo D – Certificaciones y Representaciones* *Anexo E – Subvecion* *Instrucciones UEI* *Microsoft Teams Guia de Registro**Questions-Answers_217772-CATALYZE-APEP-2023-0074**Preguntas-Respuestas_217772-CATALYZE-APEP-2023-0074*

Barbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and/or Uruguay
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-WBR-2023-0397 The purpose of this RFP is to engage a short-term consultant to provide support during a grants and procurement surge for the WBR team. The consultant will oversee technical assistance service providers in support to 4-6 banks in El Salvador, while also preparing all necessary documents, reviewing proposals and generating source selection memos, drafting contract documents, and conducting due diligence. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form El Salvador


Palladium seeks to subcontract the services of a research firm in Honduras in to conduct implementation research in Honduras with the goal of assessing the outcomes of the EduFinance team’s interventions in ECCE centers. The research will consider the extent to which these interventions lead to improved learning and developmental outcomes for children and improvements in service quality. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Questions and Answers*

Palladium busca subcontratar los servicios de una empresa de investigación en Honduras para realizar una investigación de implementación en Honduras con el objetivo de evaluar los resultados de las intervenciones del equipo de EduFinance en los centros ECCE. La investigación considerará en qué medida estas intervenciones conducen a mejores resultados de aprendizaje y desarrollo para los niños y mejoras en la calidad del servicio. *Documento 1 – Debida de Diligencia* *Preguntas y Respuestas*

RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2023-0398-Amendment-01 Palladium esta buscando para una subcontratista para construir una comunidad virtual para PyMEs lideradas por mujeres (LPM) “Comunidad de empresarias Davivienda”, a través del diseño y construcción o evaluación de soluciones existentes en el mercado que permitan poner en marcha una plataforma virtual que integre temas de interés, tales como educación financiera, oportunidades de networking, entre otros. *Anexo 01 – Formato de Propuesta* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2023-0399-Amendment-01 Palladium esta buscando una subcontratista para realizar una evaluación inicial como un “rapid assessment” para identificar las necesidades de los Ejecutivos del Banco Davivienda, en relación a la gestión de los clientes actuales y potenciales del sector de pequeña y mediana empresa con énfasis en PyMEs lideradas por mujeres (PyMEs – LPM), diseñar y elaborar un programa de capacitación con contenidos didácticos, prácticos alineados a la estrategia del Banco para el segmento y oferta de productos disponibles para cerrar las brechas identificadas en la evaluación inicial para los Ejecutivos para integrarlas a la plataforma de aprendizaje del Banco denominada “UXplora”. *Anexo 01 – Formato de Propuesta* El Salvador
RFP-Edu-2023-0109-Amendment-01 Palladium seeks to subcontract the services of a research firm in Paraguay to conduct implementation research in Paraguay with the goal of assessing the outcomes of the EduFinance team’s interventions in ECCE centres. The research will consider the extent to which these interventions improved the effectiveness of teaching methods, classroom management, and student engagement. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Paraguay
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0162 The purpose of this RFP is to issue an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quality (IDIQ) subcontract agreement to an eligible organization with a recognized track record in providing Ethiopia-wide safety and security support to large multi-national development organizations. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 4 – Subcontract Template* *Q&A Document* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-CORE-2023-0012 The purpose of this RFP is to seek a consultant to aid the CATALYZE project in compliance surge support needs. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0114-Amendment-04 The purpose of this RFP is to identify organizations to train CATALYZE participants, high school graduates between the ages of 18 and 24, in preparation for entering the workforce. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form**Q&A Document* *Q&A Document – Part 2* *Technical Proposal Template* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0005-Amendment-03 The purpose of this RFP is to identify organizations that will engage pilot site communities to socialize the CATALYZE program and support the participant enrolment process. Activities to undertake this social preparation include but are not limited to engaging and coordinating with key community leaders, hosting community orientation/enrolment events, and overseeing communications and marketing efforts. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-INDO-2023-0184-Amendment-02 The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to procure one or more Crowdfunding Service Provider(s) to create an online marketing campaign and mobilize resources (donations) from domestic individuals and institutional donors for JKN premium payments. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Q&A Document* Indonesia
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0003-Amendment-03 The purpose of this RFP is to identify an organization to, alongside CATALYZE staff, co-develop or adapt a peer mentorship curriculum (targeted to girls aged 12-17) and to train young adult CATALYZE participants (women aged 18-24) to deliver the curriculum and act as peer mentors. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* *Technical Proposal Template* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE- 217772-PSD-2023-0109-Amendment-01 The purpose of this RFP is to secure the services of a qualified consultant/consultancy firm capable of supporting a local Microfinance Institution to: develop a robust, computer-based credit scoring model/matrix to enhance the MFI’s capacity to appraise loan transactions, and to develop and operationalize a web-based solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and/or virtual assistance (VA) to streamline implementation of the Credit Scoring Model/Matrix developed. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 3 – Anti-corruption questionnaire* *Q&A Document* Sri Lanka
RFP-217772-WBR-2024-0404 The purpose of this RFP is to contract a firm that can conduct market research to support the Sri Lankan financial institution in designing the product and refining its gender-focused customer value proposition.
*Annex 1 – Technical Proposal* *Annex 2 – Budget Template*
Sri Lanka
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0002-Amendment-02 The purpose of this RFP is to identify an organization to, alongside CATALYZE Philippines staff, scope existing health knowledge and practices among 4Ps adolescents and young adults in pilot sites, co-develop and deliver age-appropriate (18-24 years old) curricula for CATALYZE participants in critical health information regarding, but not limited to: family planning and reproductive health, maternal and child health, mental health, and health literacy. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2024-0386 El proposito de esta solicitud de propuestas (SdP, o RFP por sus siglas en ingles) es realizar un análisis del mercado de las PyMES, con énfasis en las PyMES Lideradas por Mujeres (PyMES-LPM) para apoyar al Banco Agrícola de El Salvador a entender las necesidades de estos segmentos y redefinir su propuesta de valor orientada a este segmento. *Anexo 01 – Formato de propuesta tecnica* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE-Iraq-2024-0001 CATALYZE Iraq A2F program is excited to offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial individuals and businesses in Iraq who aspire to generate revenue while promoting economic growth. The program invites proposals from qualified entities to participate in a performance-based initiative to facilitate SME financing. This initiative offers an opportunity to earn compensation based on successful performance. *Attachment I – Due Diligence* *Attachment II – Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Attachment III – Certifications and Representations* *Attachment IV – BPA Template* *Attachment V – Task Order Template* *Attachment VI – Q&A* Iraq
RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2024-0407 Palladium esta buscando para una empresa especializada para el diseño y construcción de 5 módulos de contenidos de formación para incorporar a la Plataforma de educación financiera para PyMEs LPM “Comunidad de empresarias de Banco Promerica”; además de realizar una actualización o refrescamiento a 10 módulos de formación, existentes dentro de la plataforma de educación financiera del Banco. *Anexo 01 – Formato de propuesta* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE- WBR-2024-0402 Palladium esta buscando para una empresa especializada que rediseñe la plataforma de educación financiera del Banco Promerica por medio de un contrato a precio fijo. La evaluación de las propuestas tomara en cuenta la calidad de los servicios propuestos basándose en los criterios de evaluación de esta compra y el costo de la propuesta económica. *Anexo 01 – Debida Diligencia* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE-INDO-2024-0037 The Asia Social Protection buy-in is seeking to subcontract a research firm that will be responsible for successful execution of baseline data collection. The firm will work with the CATALYZE Indonesia team to finalize design of the data collection tools and plans and be responsible for field work, data collection, data analysis, producing preliminary research findings, and dissemination. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Indonesia
RFP–CATALYZE-Edu-2024-0115 – English

RFP–CATALYZE-Edu-2024-0115 – Espanol

CATALYZE ECCE would like to engage a consultant to oversee ECCE grants and monitoring activities in Honduras. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence*

CATALYZE AEPI esta buscando contratar un(a) consultor(a) para supervisar las subvenciones de AEPI y las actividades de seguimiento en Honduras *Anexo 01 – Debida Diligencia*

RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2024-0032 CATALYZE MS4G is seeking to select a service provider to identify and engage an external auditor or certifying body. The certifying body or external auditors that will conduct an assessment, inspection, and certification of companies to help them obtain one of various certifications. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Ethiopia
Procurement Archive – November 2022 – November 2023 Description Country
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA_CATALYZE-217772-SAHEL-2022-0041-Modification numéro-1 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) établis (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe -A-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe -B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe -C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF* *Annex -D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe -E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe -F-Formulaire de certifications et représentations* *Annexe -G-Questionnaire sur la lutte Anti-Corruption Internationale* *Annexe -H-Code de Conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *Annexe I – FAA Template* Niger
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0327_Modification numéro-1 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels, bureaux d’études) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *ANNEXE A Formulaire de laudit prealable* *ANNEXE B Certifications, assurances, déclarations et autres déclarations du bénéficiaire* *ANNEXE C-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *ANNEXE D Modèle de CV* *ANNEXE E Questionnaire sur la lutte contre la Corruption Internationale* *ANNEXE F Code de conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *ANNEXE G Modèle de contrat de consultant indépendant* Niger
Amendment 1-RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0051 Debt restructuring for agriculture loans Palladium-CATALYZE Ethiopia (MS4G) is inviting financial institutions (FIs) that are interested in restructuring or refinancing loans to agribusinesses, one-stop-shops, agro-dealers/retailers, farmers, farmer cooperatives, cooperative unions, exporters or smaller financial institutions suffering demonstrable shocks caused by the Ukraine conflict and increased fertilizer prices. *Attachment-A-Full Technical Application Template* *Attachment-B-Full Cost ApplicationBudget Template* *Attachment-C-FAA-grant-template* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-IRAQ-2023-0370 Iraq Access to Finance Activity Subcontractor Palladium seeks to engage a local partner in Iraq (“Subcontractor”) to lead activities to increase access to finance. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 2- FFATA Form* *Attachment 3- Budget Notes Template* *Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams* *Questions Answers_CATALYZE-217772-IRAQ-2023-0370* Iraq
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-042 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“CATALYZE F4R”), recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance (IMF) qualifiées au Burkina Faso. Les candidats retenus travailleront avec Palladium et Cabinet d’Ingénierie et de Conseil en Développement d’Entreprises (ICDE), afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Sahel, Est et Centre-Nord) au Burkina Faso *Annexe-A-Tableau-recapitulatif des financements obtenus* *Annexe-B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe-C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-IF* *Annexe-D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-F-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-G-ARBP Foreign Concerns-International Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Annexe-H-Code-de-Conduite-des-partenaires-commerciaux* *Annexe-I-Ratios-des-normes-prudentielles-et-de-performance* *Annexe-J-Modèle de contrat de Subvention à taux fixe* Burkina Faso
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA_CATALYZE-217772-SAHEL-2022-043-Modification numéro-2 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance (IMF) qualifiées pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe-A-Tableau-recapitulatif des financements obtenus* *Annexe-B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe-C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-IF* *Annexe-D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-F-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-G-ARBP Foreign Concerns-International Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Annexe-H-Code-de-Conduite-des-partenaires-commerciaux* *Annexe-I-Ratios-des-normes-prudentielles-et-de-performance* *Annexe-J-Modèle de contrat de Subvention à taux fixe* Niger
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0326 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels, bureaux d’études) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Burkina Faso. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium Cabinet d’Ingénierie et de Conseil en Développement d’Entreprises (ICDE), qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Sahel, Est et Centre-Nord) au Burkina Faso *ANNEXE A Formulaire de laudit prealable* *ANNEXE B Certifications, assurances, déclarations et autres déclarations du bénéficiaire* *ANNEXE C-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *ANNEXE D Modèle de CV* *ANNEXE E Questionnaire sur la lutte contre la Corruption Internationale* *ANNEXE F Code de conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *ANNEXE G Modèle de contrat de consultant indépendant* Burkina Faso
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0327_Modification numéro-2 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels, bureaux d’études) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *ANNEXE A Formulaire de laudit prealable* *ANNEXE B Certifications, assurances, déclarations et autres déclarations du bénéficiaire* *ANNEXE C-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *ANNEXE D Modèle de CV* *ANNEXE E Questionnaire sur la lutte contre la Corruption Internationale* *ANNEXE F Code de conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *ANNEXE G Modèle de contrat de consultant indépendant* Niger
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-039 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“CATALYZE F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) établis (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Burkina Faso. Les candidats retenus travailleront avec Palladium et Cabinet d’Ingénierie et de Conseil en Développement d’Entreprises (ICDE), afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Sahel, Est et Centre-Nord) au Burkina Faso *Annexe -A-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe -B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe -C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF* *Annex -D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe -E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe -F-Formulaire de certifications et représentations* *Annexe -G-Questionnaire sur la lutte Anti-Corruption Internationale* *Annexe -H-Code de Conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *Annexe I – FAA Template* Burkina Faso
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA_CATALYZE-217772-SAHEL-2022-0041-Modification numéro-2 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) établis (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe -A-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe -B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe -C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF* *Annex -D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe -E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe -F-Formulaire de certifications et représentations* *Annexe -G-Questionnaire sur la lutte Anti-Corruption Internationale* *Annexe -H-Code de Conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *Annexe I – FAA Template* Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2023-0352 Together for Early Childhood Evidence  Palladium seeks a subcontractor to support the Phase III evidence generation activities for the USAID-supported initiative Together for Early Childhood Evidence (T4CE) in Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Malawi. *Budget and Budget Narrative Template RFP-Edu-2023-0352* *Updated Questions Answers RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2023-0352* Global
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0056 Non-Chemical Fertilizer Production Palladium seeks non-chemical fertilizer producers to increase non-chemical fertilizer production and distribution to farmers through skilled and formalized youth groups. *Attachment A_Full Technical Application Template RFA-2023-0056* *Attachment B_ Full Cost Application & Budget Template* *Attachment C-Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* *Attachment D-ADS 303mav-Cert-Representations* *Questions and Answers RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0056* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0057 Warehouse Operator Support Palladium seeks certified warehouse operators to participate in an initiative to increase access to quality storage facilities and access to financing through Warehouse Receipt Financing (WRF) in Ethiopia. *Attachment A_Grant Technical Application Form 2023-0057* *Attachment B_Full Cost Application-Budget Template* *Attachment C-Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* *Attachment D-ADS 303mav-Cert-Representations* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-IRAQ-2023-0370 Iraq Access to Finance Activity Subcontractor- Amendment 1 Palladium seeks to engage a local partner in Iraq (“Subcontractor”) to lead activities to increase access to finance. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 2- FFATA Form* *Attachment 3- Budget Notes Template* *Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams* *Questions Answers_CATALYZE-217772-IRAQ-2023-0370* Iraq
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0058 Warehouse Receipt Financing Incentive Program Palladium seeks financial intermediaries (FIs) that are interested in increasing access to capital and financing of Micro, Small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) using Warehouse Receipt Financing (WRF) *Attachment A-Technical Application Template* *Attachment B- Full Cost Application & Budget Template* *Attachment C-Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0060 Fertilizer Financing Palladium seeks financial institutions (FIs) interested in increasing access to finance for smallholder farmers, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with a special focus on fertilizer and input financing. *Attachment A – Technical Application Template* *Attachment B -Full Cost Application and Budget Template* *Attachment C – Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-019 Open Innovation Competitions Palladium seeks to engage one or more service providers to support MS4G in the management and implementation of Open Innovation Competitions (OICs) focused on the WASH and agriculture (with a specific focus on fertilizer) sectors. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* * Attachment 4 – FFP Subcontract Template* *AMENDMENT* *Attachment 5 – Q&A* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-008 FI Skilled Labor Palladium seeks to engage a services provider to coordinate with selected banks to design recruitment strategies and train and place at least 2,000 qualified youth and women in skilled employment positions within the banks. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* * Attachment 4 – FFP Subcontract Template* *Attachment 5 – Q&A* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0061 MS4G SME Digital Pay Platforms Palladium aims to partner with Ethiopian fintech platforms to enable and incentivize small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the food security and WASH sectors to initiate or expand their presence on digital payment platforms as part of their business growth strategies. *Attachment A – Technical Application Template* *Attachment B -Full Cost Application and Budget Template* *Attachment C – Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* *Attachment D – Certifications, Assurances, Representations, and Other Statements of the Recipient* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0029-Amendment-1 Palladium seeks to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to strengthen and improve the capacity of at least 100 agricultural One Stop Shops (OSS) through business advisory service provision, digitization of OSSs’ services, and creation of youth apprenticeships or employment for better fertilizer and agricultural inputs distribution to farmers. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* * Attachment 4 – FFP Subcontract Template**Q&A Document* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-PSD-2023-0041-Amendment-01 PSD seeks to subcontract Investment Advisory Service Providers (IASPs) under a Pay-for-Results (P4R) incentive program that encourages deeper engagement in target sectors in Sri Lanka. This will result in an investment community that mobilizes substantial private capital, including listings on the CSE, and build partnerships among stakeholders in the financial ecosystem in Sri Lanka. This will ultimately contribute to USAID’s overall goal of fostering broad-based, sustained, and inclusive economic growth. *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 2 – Cost Work Sheet* *Attachment 3 – Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 4 – Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 5 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 6 – FFP Subcontract Template**Attachment 7 – Questions and Answers Document* Sri Lanka
RFQ-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0010 Palladium seeks to contract an employer of Record in Rwanda to facilitate payments and adherence to local labor law. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Attachment 3 – Certifications and Representations Under Contract**Questions and Answers* Rwanda
RFP-CATALYZE- 217772-PSD-2023-0035 Palladium seeks to engage a web development vendor to redesign, launch and maintain a Sri Lankan Women MSME focused Industry Organization Portal. *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal* *Attachment 3 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 4 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 5 – FFP Subcontract Template**Attachment 6 – Q&A Document* Sri Lanka
RFP-CATALYZE- 217772-PSD-2023-0037-Amendment-01 Palladium seeks to engage a consultant/consultancy firm for the development and operationalization of the undermentioned policy and procedure manuals for a registered and licensed Microfinance Institution (MFI) in Sri Lanka. *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal* *Attachment 3 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 4 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 5 – FFP Subcontract Template* Sri Lanka
RFP-CATALYZE- 217772-PSD-2023-0044 Palladium seeks the services of a consultant / firm on a short-term basis to design and implement a refresher program for staff of Financial Institutions (FIs) nominated by PSD on debt restructuring, rehabilitation and new financing specific to small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 2 – Cost Proposal* *Attachment 3 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 4 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 5 – FFP Subcontract Template* Sri Lanka
Amendment 3 – BPA-RFP-CATALYZE-Iraq-Transaction Advisors-2023-0002 Palladium seeks to offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial individuals and businesses in Iraq who aspire to generate revenue while promoting economic growth by participating in a performance-based initiative to facilitate SME financing. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Attachment 3 – Certifications and Representations Under Contract* *Attachment 4 – Blanket Purchase Agreement Template* Iraq
RFP-CATALYZE-WB-2023-0077-Amendment-03 Palladium seeks proposals from potential partners with expertise in SME financing to support Western Balkans SMEs (primarily women-owned and managed SMEs) through offerings of alternative financing solutions or tools that fit the specific needs of SMEs and W-SMEs in at least two of six Western Balkan economies. The objective of this initiative is to enhance SMEs’ growth, productivity, and job creation in the region by facilitating their external financing, simplifying lending procedures, and decreasing administrative costs of lending. *Attachment 1 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 3 – Q&A* Western Balkans
RFP-CATALYZE-WB-2023-0078-Amendment-03 The purpose of this RFP is to seek proposals from potential partners with expertise in the fintech and digital financing space to support Western Balkans SMEs (primarily women-owned and managed SMEs) through offerings of alternative digital financing solutions or tools. The objective of this initiative is to enhance SMEs’ growth, productivity, and job creation in the region by facilitating their external financing, simplifying lending procedures, and decreasing administrative costs of lending. *Attachment 1 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence Form**Q&A Document* Western Balkans
Amendment 3 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0249 The purpose of this RFP is to identify a Nigerien partner based in Niger to continue and expand early activities. *Attachment 1 Due diligence form* *Attachment 2 Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 3 Written Code Of Business Ethics And Conduct* *Attachment 4 Company Environmental Policy* *CATALYZE Budget Template* *Questions & Answers_217772_Sahel 2022-0249* *Annex B Relevant Project Table**Task Order 2* Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2023-0045 The purpose of this RFP is to select one or more Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) who will work to strengthen and improve the capacity of 10 non-chemical fertilizer micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The support is expected to increase the production, distribution, and sale of non-chemical fertilizer and related inputs distribution to farmers. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* * Attachment 4 – FFP Subcontract Template* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0098 The purpose of this RFP to select a Subcontractor to manage the grand funding contributed by philanthropic organizations, and to distribute the funds to implementing partners in the Philippines and Indonesia on the basis of CATALYZE instructions. Only registered non-profit or charitable organizations will be considered. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form**Q&A Document* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-WB-2023-0097-Amendment-2 The purpose of this RFP is to seek proposals from potential partners with expertise in SME financing to support Western Balkan SMEs (including women-owned and/or -managed SMEs) secure financing.  The activity will focus on alternative financing solutions or tools that are structured to address the specific needs of regional SMEs. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Western Balkans
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0011-Amendment-01 Palladium is seeking to engage a local partner/consortium to implement an education finance activity in Kenya, which is designed to mobilize and sustain private finance for low-cost private primary schools (LCPPS) and increase access to quality education, particularly for the most marginalized and vulnerable. The activity will focus on LCPPS in urban informal settlements and rural areas in the Northeastern counties. The activity will utilize a pay-for-results (P4R) structure whereby financing terms to schools and financial institutions (FIs) are linked to improvements in educational quality and learning outcomes for primary level learners. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template* *Q&A Document* Kenya
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0099-Editors-Amendment-01 The Palladium CATALYZE Education team seeks to engage an editor to assist the Communications team with short-term editing, researching, and writing support for Communications products. *Attachment A- Due Diligence* *Attachment B- FFATA Form* *Attachment C- Q&A Document* USA
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2023-0029-Amendment-2 Palladium seeks to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to strengthen and improve the capacity of at least 100 agricultural One Stop Shops (OSS) through business advisory service provision, digitization of OSSs’ services, and creation of youth apprenticeships or employment for better fertilizer and agricultural inputs distribution to farmers. *Attachment 1 – Budget Template* *Attachment 2 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 3 – FFATA Form* * Attachment 4 – FFP Subcontract Template**Q&A Document* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-ECCE LAC-2023-0065 Palladium está buscando aplicaciones de solicitantes calificados, como donatarios, para implementar el programa de donación bajo la actividad de CATALYZE EduFinance Cuidado y Educación de la Primera Infancia (AEPI) Familia de Inversiones (en lo sucesivo denominado CATALYZE ECCE). El objetivo aumentar el acceso a la Atención y Educación de la Primera Infancia (AEPI) de alta calidad para los niños más marginados y vulnerables en Honduras, con un enfoque no obligatorio en los niños de 3-4 años de edad y segundo en los de 4-5 años de edad de educación pre-básica. Se preferirán las intervenciones que beneficien simultáneamente a los niños de 0 a 3 años. *Formato de FAA* *Certificaciones de USAID* *Formato de Aplicacion Tecnica* *Formulario de Debida Diligencia* *Presentacion P&R* *Formato Nota de Concepto* *P&R- English* *P&R- Espanol* *Formato de Presupuesto* *Ejemplo de presupuesto* *Instrucciones para obtener un UEI* Honduras
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-ECCE-LAC-2023-0064 Palladium está buscando aplicaciones de solicitantes calificados, como donatarios, para implementar el programa de donación bajo la actividad de CATALYZE EduFinance Cuidado y Educación de la Primera Infancia (AEPI) Familia de Inversiones (en lo sucesivo denominado CATALYZE ECCE). El objetivo aumentar el acceso a la Atención y Educación de la Primera Infancia (AEPI) de alta calidad para los niños más marginados y vulnerables en Paraguay, con un enfoque en los niños de 3-5 años de edad. *Formato de FAA* *RFA_Ingles* *Certificaciones* *Nota de Concepto* *Debida de Diligencia* *Formato de Aplicacion Financiera* *Applicacion Tecnica* *Preguntas y Respuestas* *Ejemplo de Presupuesto* *Instrucciones para obtener un UEI* Paraguay
Amendment-01-RFI-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0092 Palladium is seeking a partner to assist with raising grant funding for the CATALYZE Asia Social
Protection Pooled Fund. Through this fund, Palladium seeks to mobilize private funding from corporations, philanthropic organizations, foundations, and high-net-worth individuals who are interested in supporting the goals of the activities in Indonesia and the Philippines.
RFP-CATALYZE-WBR-2023-0392 Palladium esta buscando una consultoria o subcontratista para realizar un estudio del mercado sobre el re-diseno de la plataforma de educaccion financiera del Banco Promerica y su impacto para las PyMEs-LPM. *Documento 1 – Debida de Diligencia**Formato de Propuesta* El Salvador
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-WBR-2023-0067 Palladium esta buscando para organizaciones privadas e interesadas en mejorar el acceso al financiamiento de micro-top y pequenas empresas (M-TyPE) lideradas por mujeres en El Salvador a presentar sus aplicaciones para su programa de subvenciones de la actividad Mujeres Construyendo Resiliencia (WBR por sus siglas en ingles) en El Salvador. *Documento A – Formulario de Aplicacion Tecnica* *Documento B – Modelo de Presupuesto* *Documento C – Notas de Presupuesto* El Salvador
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0100 Palladium seeks to engage a ECCE evaluation consultant for the CATALYZE ECCE Paraguay activity. The consultant will be a key actor working with either the Palladium MELA evaluation team or an external firm, which will be conducting a quasi-experimental evaluation of the ECCE and GenDev LAC activities. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* *Budget Template* Paraguay
RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2023-0102 The ECCE LAC team seeks a MEL consultant to support the Education and ECCE MEL teams. The consultant will provide critical input and support for designing the MEL plans, systems and procedures that have to be in place before implementation of interventions begins. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-LAC-2023-0370-Amendment-01 Palladium seeks proposals from potential partners with expertise in SME financing to support Haitian primary schools to secure financing they may require for operations/expansion.  The activity will focus on identifying schools in need of financing, identifying an appropriate financier (bank or non-traditional), and guiding them during the application process and through disbursement. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template* *Attachment 4 – Draft Contract Template* Haiti
RFP-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0092-Amendment-01 CATALYZE is issuing this RFP to select a partner to assist with raising grant funding for the CATALYZE Asia Social Protection Pooled Fund. Through this fund, Palladium seeks to mobilize private funding from corporations, philanthropic organizations, foundations, and high-net-worth individuals who are interested in supporting the goals of the activities in Indonesia and the Philippines.*Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Form* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Form* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-ASIA-2023-0098-Amendment-01 The purpose of this RFP to select a Subcontractor to manage the grand funding contributed by philanthropic organizations, and to distribute the funds to implementing partners in the Philippines and Indonesia on the basis of CATALYZE instructions. Only registered non-profit or charitable organizations will be considered. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form**Q&A Document* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0002-Amendment-02 The purpose of this RFP is to identify an organization to develop and deliver age-appropriate (ages 14-18 and 18-24 years old) curricula for CATALYZE participants in critical health information regarding, but not limited to: family planning and reproductive health, maternal and child health, mental health, and health system navigation. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0004-Amendment-02 The purpose of this RFP is to identify organizations to provide business and transaction advisory services to private sector partners in support of capacity strengthening, quality improvement, and capital mobilization. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Philippines
RFP-CATALYZE-PHIL-2023-0005-Amendment-02 The purpose of this RFP is to identify organizations that will engage pilot site communities to socialize the CATALYZE program and support the participant enrolment process. Activities to undertake this social preparation include but are not limited to engaging and coordinating with key community leaders, hosting community orientation/enrolment events, and overseeing communications and marketing efforts. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence* *Attachment 2 – FFATA Form* *Q&A Document* Philippines
Title Description Country
RFA-CATALYZE-Peru-2021-0019 Pay for Results Incentive Program to local Investors (Rolling basis) /Pago por resultados para instituciones financiaras locales CATALYZE Perú, una iniciativa financiada por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) e implementada por Palladium LLC, está invitando a instituciones financieras (IFs) locales (en Peru) que estén interesadas en aumentar el acceso a capital y la inclusión financiera de empresas y proyectos en la Amazonía Peruana a través de un mayor desembolso de préstamos y de la movilización de capital hacia ella, bajo un esquema de adjudicación de subvenciones e incentivos por resultados. Propuestas serán recibidas y evaluadas de forma continua (on a rolling basis) hasta Junio 2022. *Anexo 1-Propuesta Técnica* *Anexo 2-Propuesta cumplimiento de hitos* Peru
RFP-CATALYZE-Peru-2022-0233  (discontinued on March 21, 2022) Develop and implement a traceability system that will allow better information flow of the value chain Peru
RFA-CATALYZE-Peru-2021-0007 Pay for Results Incentive Program to International Investors (Readvertised) CATALYZE Peru will apply a portion of its resources to incentivize financial institutions and other intermediaries (banks and non-bank FIs; funds; and other debt and equity providers) to mobilize finance and investment toward the Peruvian Amazon, as a part of our effort to mobilize $106million in financing by December 2023. *ANNEX 1 – TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMAT* *ANNEX 2 – PROPOSAL ON MILESTONES FOR AWARD PAYMENTS* *Pitch deck_incentive_program for FI* Peru
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Core-2022-0266 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Management Information System (MIS) Development and Deployment. *Annex-1 MEL MIS Req Spec Report* *Attachment A-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment B-CATALYZE Budget Template*  *Questions Answers RFP_217772_ 2022 0266 MEL MIS Development and Deployment* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 WASH Accelerator Program for Growth-Oriented Startup Companies. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 WASH Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 Food security Value Chain Startup Companies Accelerator Program. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 Food Security Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
RFQ-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0261_Vehicle Procurement Amendment-1 Palladium invites your firm to participate in this competitive solicitation for pricing, delivery, and terms of potential sale for One (1) Station Wagen Vehicle. Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Core-2022-0266 (Re-advertised) Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Management Information System (MIS) Development and Deployment. *Annex-1 MEL MIS Req Spec Report* *Attachment A-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment B-CATALYZE Budget Template*  *Questions Answers RFP_217772_ 2022 0266 MEL MIS Development and Deployment* *Questions Answers RFP_217772_ 2022 0266 MEL MIS Development and Deployment (Re-advertisement)* Global
FON-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0278 MS4G_Food Security value chain Amendment-1 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit business plans from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) in Youth Job Placement in Food Security Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1-Due diligence form* *Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0278* Ethiopia
FON-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0279 WASH Value-Chain Amendment-1 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit business plans from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1-Due diligence form* *Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0279* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0030 Amendment-1 The purpose of this grant program is to identify up to two Sri Lankan FIs to stimulate increased financing to MSMEs working in ICT, Tourism, Food Processing, Apparel, and Commercial Care sectors. *Attachment 1 Application Form* *Attachment 2 Eligibility Screening* Sri Lanka
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 (Re-advertised) WASH Accelerator Program for Growth-Oriented Startup Companies. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 WASH Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 (Re-advertised) Food security Value Chain Startup Companies Accelerator Program. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 Food Security Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
Amendment-2-FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0278- The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit business plans from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) in Youth Job Placement in Food Security Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1-Due diligence form* *Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0278* Ethiopia
Amendment-2-FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0279-  The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit business plans from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1-Due diligence form* *Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0279* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 (Re-advertised 2nd time) Food security Value Chain Startup Companies Accelerator Program. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. The change is related to an increased funding ceiling, no other changes to the technical criteria or scope of work have been made. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0264 Food Security Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 (Re-advertised 2ns time) WASH Accelerator Program for Growth-Oriented Startup Companies. The purpose of the RFP is to select an accelerator to support growth-oriented startup companies in Ethiopia to increase their performance and value in the market. The change is related to an increased funding ceiling, no other changes to the technical criteria or scope of work have been made. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions & Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0263 WASH Sector Accelerator Program* Ethiopia
 RFA-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0034 CATALYZE Ethiopia: MS4G, an initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Palladium LLC, is inviting financial intermediaries (FIs) that are interested in increasing access to capital and financial inclusion of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a focus on the agriculture, food and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sectors through increased loan disbursement and capital mobilization in Ethiopia. *ANNEX 1 – Technical Proposal Format* *ANNEX 2 – FAA Template* *Questions Answers_RFA-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0034* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0299 BASPs to strengthen SME in FS and WASH The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple business advisory service providers (BASPs) to each support 5 – 25 SMEs (minimum 5 and maximum 25 SMEs) for 75 SMEs in food security and 25 SMEs in WASH in Ethiopia to create a vibrant network of BASPs to support the growth of enterprises. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0300 Coffee Farmers Business Management Coaching Program The purpose of the RFP is to select five (5) business advisory service providers (BASPs) to support 40 Farm Enterprises SMEs food security companies in Ethiopia to create a vibrant network of BASPs to support the growth of Farm Enterprises. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0300* Ethiopia
 Funding Opportunity Notice-Amendment 1 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit business plans from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) Activity of the USAID CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* *CATALYZE _Budget Template* *FON-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2021-0158 Q&A* Ethiopia
 (Amendment 1) RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0299-BASPs-to-strengthen-SME-in-FS-and-WASH The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple business advisory service providers (BASPs) to each support 5 – 25 SMEs (minimum 5 and maximum 25 SMEs) for 75 SMEs in food security and 25 SMEs in WASH in Ethiopia to create a vibrant network of BASPs to support the growth of enterprises. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0299* Ethiopia
Amendment-02-RFA-CATALYZE-RFA-Peru-2021-0019 Pay for Results Incentive Program to local Investors (Rolling basis) /Pago por resultados para instituciones financiaras locales CATALYZE Perú, una iniciativa financiada por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) e implementada por Palladium LLC, está invitando a instituciones financieras (IFs) locales (en Peru) que estén interesadas en aumentar el acceso a capital y la inclusión financiera de empresas y proyectos en la Amazonía Peruana a través de un mayor desembolso de préstamos y de la movilización de capital hacia ella, bajo un esquema de adjudicación de subvenciones e incentivos por resultados. Propuestas serán recibidas y evaluadas de forma continua (on a rolling basis) hasta Junio 2022. *Anexo 1-Propuesta Técnica* *Anexo 2-Propuesta cumplimiento de hitos* Peru
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0301 TASPs The purpose of this RFP is to engage Transaction Advisory Service Providers (TASPs) under a Pay-for-Results (P4R) incentive program that encourages increased access to finance through investment facilitation and capital mobilization for enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1- FFP Template* *Attachment 2- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Questions Answers_RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0301* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0638 Oilseeds Assessment-Final The purpose of this RFP is to engage technical experts in the agriculture sector in Ethiopia to identify multiple stakeholders to develop a market report on the availability of input materials (sesame, black cumin, and niger seeds) for the processing and manufacturing of edible oil. *Attachment 1- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 2- FFP Subk Template* *Attachment-3-Budget-Template-2022-0638* Ethiopia
 RFQ-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0261_Vehicle Procurement (Re-advertised) Palladium invites your firm to participate in this competitive solicitation for pricing, delivery, and terms of potential sale for One (1) Station Wagen Vehicle. Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0311 The purpose of the RFP is to select a certification advisory service provider to support 8 SMEs in Food Security and WASH sectors in Ethiopia to obtain product quality and safety certifications. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment 2- FFP Subk Template Catalyze* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template-2022-0311* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0311-SME CERTIFICATION ADVISORY SERVICE* Ethiopia
RFQ-CATALYZE-Sahel-2022-0670 Payroll Company Contract for Employer of Record service provider for one full-time, local employee in Niger. Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0320 The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple business advisory service providers (BASPs) to create a vibrant network of BASPs supporting growth of enterprises in the WASH sector. *Attachment 1-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment 2 – FFP Subcontract Template* *Attachment 3 -CATALYZE Budget Template* *Attachment 4 – ARBP FFATA Form Subcontracts * *Questions and Answers RFP-CATALAYZ-21772-MS4G-2022-0320* Ethiopia
Amendment 1-RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0638 Market Assessment – Oilseed Agriculture Value Chain The purpose of this RFP is to engage technical experts in the agriculture sector in Ethiopia to identify multiple stakeholders to develop a market report on the availability of input materials (sesame, black cumin, and niger seeds) for the processing and manufacturing of edible oil. *Attachment 1- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 2- FFP Subk Template* *Attachment-3-Budget-Template-2022-0638* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0638_Market Assessment – Oilseed Agriculture Value Chain* Ethiopia
Amendment-03-RFA-CATALYZE-RFA-Peru-2021-0019 Pay for Results Incentive Program to local Investors (Rolling basis) /Pago por resultados para instituciones financiaras locales CATALYZE Perú, una iniciativa financiada por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) e implementada por Palladium LLC, está invitando a instituciones financieras (IFs) locales (en Peru) que estén interesadas en aumentar el acceso a capital y la inclusión financiera de empresas y proyectos en la Amazonía Peruana a través de un mayor desembolso de préstamos y de la movilización de capital hacia ella, bajo un esquema de adjudicación de subvenciones e incentivos por resultados. Propuestas serán recibidas y evaluadas de forma continua (on a rolling basis) hasta Junio 2022. *Anexo 1-Propuesta Técnica* *Anexo 2-Propuesta cumplimiento de hitos* Peru
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0680_Investment & Credit BASP The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to help Sri Lankan MSMEs in Investment and Credit Facilitation to close debt and equity financial transactions in Psd’s five target sectors.*Attachment 01 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 02- Cost Work Sheet* *Attachment 03- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 04 – Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 05- FFATA Form * *Attachment 05- FFATA Form* Sri Lanka
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0271 Amendment-1 The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to offer support to establish a network of Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs or Service Providers) providing commercial services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Application Form* *Attachment 2 – CV Template* *Attachment 3 – Cost Proposal Budget Template* *Attachment 4 – Eligibility Screening Form* Sri Lanka
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0680_Investment & Credit BASP_Amendment 01 The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to help Sri Lankan MSMEs in Investment and Credit Facilitation to close debt and equity financial transactions in Psd’s five target sectors.*Attachment 01 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 02- Cost Work Sheet* *Attachment 03- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 04 – Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 05- FFATA Form * *Attachment 06- Subcontract Template* Sri Lanka
Re-advertised – RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0301 TASPs The purpose of this RFP is to engage Transaction Advisory Service Providers (TASPs) under a Pay-for-Results (P4R) incentive program that encourages increased access to finance through investment facilitation and capital mobilization for enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1- FFP Template* *Attachment 2- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Questions Answers_RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0301* *Questions-Answers_RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0301 Re-advertised* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0680_Investment Credit BASP_Amendment 02 The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to help Sri Lankan MSMEs in Investment and Credit Facilitation to close debt and equity financial transactions in Psd’s five target sectors.*Attachment 01 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 02- Cost Work Sheet* *Attachment 03- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 04 – Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 05- FFATA Form * *Attachment 06- Subcontract Template* *Attachment 7 – Answers to Questions* Sri Lanka
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0021 Le cabinet Palladium, partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour le projet CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience (“Sahel F4R”), recherche des partenaires financiers (banques commerciales, institutions de microfinance (IMF) et toutes autres structures de financement qualifiées pour la mise en œuvre de l’activité “subvention payée en fonction des résultats” – Pay-for-Results (P4R) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et la société SINERGI SA, qui organise la mise en œuvre de le projet au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger. *ANNEXE B* *ANNEXE C* *ANNEXE D* *ANNEXE E* *ANNEXE F* *ANNEXT G* *ANNEX H* *Presentation_CATALYZE Sahel F4R Niger FI Conference* *Q&A – RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0003 * Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0680_Investment Credit BASP_Amendment 03 The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to help Sri Lankan MSMEs in Investment and Credit Facilitation to close debt and equity financial transactions in Psd’s five target sectors.*Attachment 01 – Technical Proposal Template* *Attachment 02- Cost Work Sheet* *Attachment 03- Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment 04 – Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 05- FFATA Form * *Attachment 06- Subcontract Template* *Attachment 7 – Answers to Questions* Sri Lanka
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0327 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels, bureaux d’études) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *ANNEXE A Formulaire de laudit prealable* *ANNEXE B Certifications, assurances, déclarations et autres déclarations du bénéficiaire* *ANNEXE C-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *ANNEXE D Modèle de CV* *ANNEXE E Questionnaire sur la lutte contre la Corruption Internationale* *ANNEXE F Code de conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *ANNEXE G Modèle de contrat de consultant indépendant* Niger
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-041 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) établis (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe -A-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe -B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe -C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF* *Annex -D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe -E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe -F-Formulaire de certifications et représentations* *Annexe -G-Questionnaire sur la lutte Anti-Corruption Internationale* *Annexe -H-Code de Conduite des partenaires commerciaux* *Annexe I – FAA Template* Niger
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-043 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance (IMF) qualifiées pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe-A-Tableau-recapitulatif des financements obtenus* *Annexe-B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe-C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-IF* *Annexe-D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-F-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-G-ARBP Foreign Concerns-International Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Annexe-H-Code-de-Conduite-des-partenaires-commerciaux* *Annexe-I-Ratios-des-normes-prudentielles-et-de-performance* *Annexe-J-Modèle de contrat de Subvention à taux fixe* Niger
 RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0037-WASH Blended Finance The purpose of the request for application (RFA) is to select multiple financial institutions (FIs) that are interested in increasing access to finance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a special focus on the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector. *Attachment A – Grant Technical Application Form* *Attachment B – Full Cost Application_Budget Template* *Attachment C- FAA grant template* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALYZE-PERU 2022-0331 “Contratar proveedores de servicios de asesoría empresarial (BASP por sus siglas en ingles Business Advisory Services Provider) para nueve departamentos de la Amazonia Peruana en inversiones y acceso al financiamiento” El propósito de esta adjudicación es seleccionar múltiples proveedores de servicios de asesoría empresarial (BASP por sus siglas en inglés Business Advisory Services Provider) con la finalidad no sólo asistir a empresas clientes en la estructuración de financiamientos e inversiones de alto impacto económico, ambiental y con inclusión de género y jóvenes sino también generar capacidades locales en estructuración financiera local en la zona de intervención y a empresas clientes. *ANEXO 01 – Inversiones Deseables _CATALYZE Peru* *ANEXO 02 – Expediente para presentar propuesta técnica* Peru
 RFP-CATALYZE-PERU-2022_0338 Customizar los módulos SMARTFARM, ROOTTRACE Y SMARTRISK bajo de Sistema CROPIN para customizar a los procesos de la cooperativa agrícola CENFROCAFE Customizar los módulos SMARTFARM, ROOTTRACE Y SMARTRISK bajo de Sistema CROPIN para customizar a los procesos de la cooperativa agrícola CENFROCAFE con la finalidad de mejorar la transparencia, los procesos y la trazabilidad de extremo a extremo de la cadena de suministro, así mismo mejorar la accesibilidad y disponibilidad de información que le permitan tener mejores oportunidades de financiamiento y ayuden a fortalecer y reforzar la competitividad en la cadena de valor agrícola. Peru
 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-PSD-2022-0271-Amendment-02 The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to offer support to establish a network of Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs or Service Providers) providing commercial services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) *Attachment 1 – Technical Proposal Application Form* *Attachment 2 – CV Template* *Attachment 3 – Cost Proposal Budget Template* *Attachment 4 – Eligibility Screening Form* Sri Lanka
 RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0051 Debt restructuring for agriculture loans  Palladium-CATALYZE Ethiopia (MS4G) is inviting financial institutions (FIs) that are interested in restructuring or refinancing loans to agribusinesses, one-stop-shops, agro-dealers/retailers, farmers, farmer cooperatives, cooperative unions, exporters or smaller financial institutions suffering demonstrable shocks caused by the Ukraine conflict and increased fertilizer prices. *Attachment-A-Full Technical Application Template* *Attachment-B-Full Cost ApplicationBudget Template* *Attachment-C-FAA-grant-template* Ethiopia
 RFP-CATALAYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0348 The purpose of this RFP is to select a service provider with agricultural and supply chain management background to support the development of Boortmalt Ethiopia PLC (“BME”) malt barley supply chain. *Attachment 1 – Due Diligence Questionnaire* *Attachment-2-CATALYZE MS4G-Budget-Template* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALAYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0348* Ethiopia
 RFA-CATALYZE-217772-Ethiopia-2022-0052 WASH eCommerce The purpose of this RFA  is to select one or more Ethiopian eCommerce platforms to assist in accelerating the onboarding of Ethiopian enterprises in the business of producing, selling, and/or distributing WASH products online for distribution in Addis Ababa, peri-urban areas, secondary cities, and/or rural areas. *Attachment A_Grant Technical Application Form* *Attachment B_Full Cost Application-Budget Template* *Attachment C-Fixed Amount Award (FAA) Template* *Attachment D-ADS 303mav-Cert-Representations* Ethiopia
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA_CATALYZE-217772-SAHEL-2022-043-Modification numéro-1 Palladium, le partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour l’activité CATALYZE Finance for Resilience (“F4R”), recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance (IMF) qualifiées pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et SINERGI INVESTISSEMENT, qui organisent la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger *Annexe-A-Tableau-recapitulatif des financements obtenus* *Annexe-B-Modele-de-Budget-et-de-narration-budgetaire* *Annexe-C-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-IF* *Annexe-D-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-E-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-F-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-G-ARBP Foreign Concerns-International Anti-Corruption Questionnaire* *Annexe-H-Code-de-Conduite-des-partenaires-commerciaux* *Annexe-I-Ratios-des-normes-prudentielles-et-de-performance* *Annexe-J-Modèle de contrat de Subvention à taux fixe* Niger
Procurement Archive May 2021 – February 2022
Title Description Country
BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICE The purpose of the RFP is to select five (5) to ten (10) business advisory service providers (BASPs) to support growth-oriented companies in Ethiopia to create a vibrant network of BASPs to support the growth of enterprises. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Tigray Private Sector Assessment (Re-advertised) Under this RFP, MS4G will hire a consultant to assess the private sector constraints and challenges in post-conflict Tigray. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICE (Re-advertised) The purpose of the RFP is to select five (5) to ten (10) business advisory service providers (BASPs) to support growth-oriented companies in Ethiopia to create a vibrant network of BASPs to support the growth of enterprises. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Business Advisory Service in Peru The purpose of the RFP is to select multiple Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) to identify, structure, and close financial transaction deals that increase investment and access to financing within the nine departments of the Peruvian Amazon. Peru
Funding Opportunity Notice The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the USAID CATALYZE program (CATALYZE). We are seeking your bold and innovative actionable plans to blend our funding with finance from commercial or other sources to mitigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education sector in select Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries, especially for low-income households. *Dominican Republic Market Assessment* *El Salvador Market Assessment* *Guatemala Market Assessment* *Haiti Market Assessment* *Paraguay Market Assessment* *Questions & Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-0138* *Final Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-0138* Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries (Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Paraguay)
Pilot Enterprise Assessment Phase II (PEA-II) The purpose of the RFP is to select a business advisory service provider (BASPs) to support 4 pre-selected and growth-oriented enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Funding Opportunity Notice The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the USAID CATALYZE program (CATALYZE). We are seeking your bold and innovative actionable plans to leverage our funding to achieve the greatest scale possible. All proposals should primarily focus on serving low- and lower-middle-income communities. *Questions & Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-0139* *Final Questions Answers_FON-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-0139* Sub-Saharan Africa, with a regional or single-country focus: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
Market Systems Workplan and Training Program The purpose of this RFP is to find an offeror capable of: 1) Contributing to the revision of the Market Support for Growth (MS4G) Work Plan, 2) Leading the design and delivery of a training course on the MS4G market systems approach based on the revised work plan and Activity Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Plan (AMELP). *Attachment-1_-Due-Diligence-Form* Ethiopia
 (Re-advertised) Market Systems Workplan and Training Program The purpose of this RFP is to find an offeror capable of: 1) Contributing to the revision of the Market Support for Growth (MS4G) Work Plan, 2) Leading the design and delivery of a training course on the MS4G market systems approach based on the revised work plan and Activity Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Plan (AMELP). *Attachment-1_-Due-Diligence-Form* *RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2021-0156_Q&A* Ethiopia
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0001 ATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance qualifiées pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R au Burkina Faso. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet ICDE, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. *Annexe B Ratios des normes prudentielles et de performancend Performa* *Annexe C Diligence raisonnable* *Annexe D Certifications, assurances* *Annexe E Modèle de CV du point focal* *Annexe F Modèle de tableau de portefeuille* *Annexe G Calendrier de Décaissement de la Subvention* *Annexe H Modèle de budget et de narration budgét* *Annexe I FAA Grant Agreement Template_fr* *Q&A Responses-RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0001* Burkina Faso
Tigray Private Sector Assessment (Re-advertised 2nd time) Under this RFP, MS4G will hire a consultant to assess the private sector constraints and challenges in post-conflict Tigray. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* *RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2020-0102_Question and Answer* Ethiopia
Pilot Enterprise Assessment Phase II (PEA-II)-(Re-advertised) The purpose of the RFP is to select a business advisory service provider (BASPs) to support 4 pre-selected and growth-oriented enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
(Amendment) AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0001 CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de banques commerciales et d’institutions de microfinance qualifiées pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R au Burkina Faso. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet ICDE, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. *Annexe B Ratios des normes prudentielles et de performancend Performa* *Annexe C Formulaire de l’audit prealable* *Annexe D Certifications and Representations* *Annexe E Modèle de CV du point focal* *Annexe F Modele de tableau de portefeuille* *Annexe G Calendrier de Décaissement de la Subvention* *Annexe H Modele de budget et narration budget* *Annexe I FAA Grant Agreement Template_fr* *Q&A Reponses Révisés* *Conférence virtuelle des soumissionnaires_presentation.pptx*

Pour accéder à l’enregistrement de la session de questions-réponses en direct, veuillez envoyer un courriel à pour demander l’accès.

Burkina Faso
Job Platforms Enhancement Assessment The purpose of this RFP is to select a consultancy firm to conduct an assessment to understand the strengths and gaps of job placement platforms using job boards in service delivery in Ethiopia.*Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Grants Senior Advisor CATALYZE/PSD is seeking a professional services organization (Subcontractor) to provide surge capacity to the PSD grants team to enable rapid scaling up of COVID-19 Adaptation Grant portfolio and work with the team to develop strategy and pipeline for Year 2 grant program. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Global
Demande de Propositions RFP-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0171 AMENDED CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (consultants individuels régulièrement établit aux Burkina Faso avec une forte expérience dans l’accompagnement des entreprises à la mobilisation de financements auprès des banques et des IMF) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Burkina Faso. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet ICDE, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. PDF | Annexe B | Annexe C | Annexe D | Annexe E | Annexe F | Q&A Revised | Bidders Conference Presentation Burkina Faso
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0002 AMENDED CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Burkina Faso. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet ICDE, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Burkina Faso, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. PDF

Annexe-B | Annexe-CAnnexe-D | Annexe-E | Annexe-F |  Annexe-G | Annexe-H | Q&A Revised | Bidders Conference Presentation

Burkina Faso
Solicitud de Aplicación (SdA) número RFA-CATALYZE-Peru-2021-0004: Programa de incentivos a las Instituciones Financiares (IFs) con la finalidad de aumentar el financiamiento en la Amazonía Peruana CATALYZE Perú, una iniciativa financiada por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) e implementada por Palladium LLC, está invitando a instituciones financieras (IFs) que estén interesadas en aumentar el acceso a capital y la inclusión financiera de empresas y proyectos en la Amazonía Peruana a través de un mayor desembolso de préstamos y de la movilización de capital hacia ella, bajo un esquema de adjudicación de subvenciones e incentivos por resultados. CATALYZE Perú tiene la intención de estimular a cada una de las Instituciones Financieras seleccionadas (IFs) con incentivos de hasta por un máximo de USD 150,000 por año o el equivalente en Soles. Este límite podría ser incrementado gradualmente a sola discreción de CATALYZE Perú. Anexo 1 Peru
Innovative Concepts for COVID-19 Economic Relief and Adaptation in Sri Lanka CATALYZE will rapidly review and disburse direct grants and/or subcontracts to Sri Lankan companies and organizations focused on bolstering resilience to the secondary economic impacts of COVID-19 and adapting to a new economic landscape and market opportunities. CATALYZE seeks to identify new and innovative partners in Sri Lanka that have intimate familiarity with the economic challenges posed to firms and women-led businesses by COVID-19; and support activities that increase economic growth, resilience, and adaptation through the lens of CATALYZE’s priorities of enhancing SME competitiveness and women’s labor force participation. Sri Lanka
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0003 Le cabinet Palladium, partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour le projet CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience (“Sahel F4R”), recherche des partenaires financiers (banques commerciales, institutions de microfinance (IMF) et toutes autres structures de financement qualifiées pour la mise en œuvre de l’activité “subvention payée en fonction des résultats” – Pay-for-Results (P4R) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et la société SINERGI SA, qui organise la mise en œuvre de le projet au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger. *ANNEXE B* *ANNEXE C* *ANNEXE D* *ANNEXE E* *ANNEXE F* *ANNEXT G* *ANNEX H* *Presentation_CATALYZE Sahel F4R Niger FI Conference* *Q&A – RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0003 * Niger
RFA-Tourism Sector COVID-19 Relief Fund The purpose of this RFA is to provide economic relief to tourism businesses to help them stay afloat and not go permanently out of business during the COVID-19 pandemic. *Covid Relief Application Form for Tourism MSME* *Budget Template -Tourism C19 Relief-final* *RFA-Tourism Sector COVID 19 Relief Fund Final* Sri Lanka
AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0006 CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet SINERGI, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. *Annexe-B-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe-C-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-D-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-E-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF (1)* *Annexe-F-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-G-Calendrier-de-decaissem* *Annexe-H-Modele-de-Budget-et-de* *CATALYZE Sahel Bidders Conference RFA + RFP for FFs_Niger_VF* *Questions & Answers_RFA-217772-2021-0006-Established FFs_Niger*  Niger
Demande de Propositions RFP-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0194 CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés émergents (consultants individuels et toutes entreprises n’ayant pas une expérience avérée de facilitation d’au moins trois accords de financement d’au moins 50 000 USD au cours des 3 dernières années) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet SINERGI, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires.*Annexe-B-Criteres-de-classification-des-projets* *Annexe-C-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable-1* *Annexe-D-Certifications-and-Representations-1* *Annexe-E-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *Annexe-F-CV-Template* *CATALYZE Sahel Bidders Conference RFA + RFP for FFs Niger VF* *Questions & Answers_RFP-217772-Sahel-2021-0194-Emerging FFs_Niger* Niger
Funding Opportunity Notice  The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. We are seeking your bold and innovative Concepts for SME Growth Financing in the Western Balkans. *Responses to Questions-FON-CATALYZE_EoG-2021-01* Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia)


CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés (bureaux d’études, cabinets de consultants, autres organismes d’appui) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet SINERGI, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires. *Annexe-B-Tableau-recapitulatif-* *Annexe-C-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable* *Annexe-D-Certifications-and-Representations* *Annexe-E-Modele-du-CV-du-Representant-du-FF (1)* *Annexe-F-Modele-du-CV-des-perso* *Annexe-G-Calendrier-de-decaissem* *Annexe-H-Modele-de-Budget-et-de* *CATALYZE Sahel Bidders Conference RFA + RFP for FFs_Niger_VF* *Questions & Answers_RFA-217772-2021-0006-Established FFs_Niger*  Niger

Demande de Propositions RFP-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0194

CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience, recherche des propositions de facilitateurs financiers (FFs) qualifiés émergents (consultants individuels et toutes entreprises n’ayant pas une expérience avérée de facilitation d’au moins trois accords de financement d’au moins 50 000 USD au cours des 3 dernières années) pour le partenariat d’institutions financières P4R (Pay-for-Results) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et le Cabinet SINERGI, qui organise la mise en œuvre de l’activité au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur et les communautés prioritaires.*Annexe-B-Criteres-de-classification-des-projets* *Annexe-C-Formulaire-de-laudit-prealable-1* *Annexe-D-Certifications-and-Representations-1* *Annexe-E-Tableau-recapitulatif-des-financements-obtenus* *Annexe-F-CV-Template* *CATALYZE Sahel Bidders Conference RFA + RFP for FFs Niger VF* *Questions & Answers_RFP-217772-Sahel-2021-0194-Emerging FFs_Niger* Niger
Solicitud de Propuestas (SdP) número RFP-CATALYZE-Peru-2021-00183: Contratación de BASP (Rolling Tender) Contratar proveedores de servicios de asesoría empresarial (BASP por sus siglas en inglés Business Advisory Services Provider) para 09 departamentos de la Amazonia Peruana en inversiones y acceso al financiamiento. *RFP CATALYZE-Peru-2021-0183_Absolucion de Consultas-Notas de Reunion* Peru
RFP CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0228 Market Assessment of non-state education sector in Somalia The purpose of the RFP is to select one firm or individual to perform an assessment to inform the potential design of an education finance activity in Somalia, should demand education financial products be identified and willingness of FIs to invest in education in Somalia as well as addressing any key threats and risks. *Attachment B_RFP #217772-Edu-2021-0228* Somalia
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0516 Videography Service Capture raw footage of CATALYZE MS4G project related activities *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0517 Cloud Services Study on Ethiopia’s Cloud Computing Services Industry *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0518 Digitalization Digitization opportunities in the Agriculture Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Business Advisory Service (BAS) Rolling Tender The purpose of the RFP is to select five (5) to ten (10) business advisory service providers (BASPs) to support growth-oriented companies in Ethiopia in increasing their top-line growth of sales and revenue. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-Peru-2021-0007 Pay for Results Incentive Program to International Investors CATALYZE Peru will apply a portion of its resources to incentivize financial institutions and other intermediaries (banks and non-bank FIs; funds; and other debt and equity providers) to mobilize finance and investment toward the Peruvian Amazon, as a part of our effort to mobilize $106million in financing by December 2023. *ANNEX 1 – TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMAT* *ANNEX 2 – PROPOSAL ON MILESTONES FOR AWARD PAYMENTS* *Pitch deck_incentive_program for FI* Peru
TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES (Rolling Tender) Amended The purpose of this RFP is to subcontract Transaction Advisory Service Providers (TASPs) under a Pay-for-Results (P4R) incentive program that encourages increased access to finance through investment facilitation and capital mobilization for enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2021-0240 Job platforms enhancement The purpose of the RFP is to select a consultancy firm to enhance the service delivery of selected job placement platforms using job boards in service delivery in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
Amended-RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0228 Market Assessment of non-state education sector in Somalia The purpose of the RFP is to select one firm or individual to perform an assessment to inform the potential design of an education finance activity in Somalia, should demand education financial products be identified and willingness of FIs to invest in education in Somalia as well as addressing any key threats and risks. *Attachment B_RFP #217772-Edu-2021-0228* Somalia
 AVIS D’APPEL A PROPOSITIONS N° RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0021 Le cabinet Palladium, partenaire d’exécution de l’USAID pour le projet CATALYZE Sahel Finance for Resilience (“Sahel F4R”), recherche des partenaires financiers (banques commerciales, institutions de microfinance (IMF) et toutes autres structures de financement qualifiées pour la mise en œuvre de l’activité “subvention payée en fonction des résultats” – Pay-for-Results (P4R) au Niger. Les soumissionnaires retenus travailleront avec Palladium et la société SINERGI SA, qui organise la mise en œuvre de le projet au Niger, afin de mobiliser des fonds pour les chaînes de valeur du secteur agricole (Niébé, Volailles et Petits Ruminants), et particulièrement  pour les projets des jeunes entrepreneurs, tous secteurs confondus, et les communautés prioritaires situées dans les zones géographiques ciblées (Tillabéry, Zinder et Maradi) au Niger. *ANNEXE B* *ANNEXE C* *ANNEXE D* *ANNEXE E* *ANNEXE F* *ANNEXT G* *ANNEX H* *Presentation_CATALYZE Sahel F4R Niger FI Conference* *Q&A – RFA-CATALYZE-Sahel-2021-0003 * Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0517 Cloud Services (Readvertised) Study on Ethiopia’s Cloud Computing Services Industry *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0518 Digitalization (Readvertised) Digitization opportunities in the Agriculture Value-Chain in Ethiopia *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0243 Early Child Care Development Market Assessment Market Mapping and Landscape Analysis on Early Childhood Care and Education to understand the broader context in which it is operating and identify strategic opportunities for EduFinance investments in early childhood care and education where USAID’s comparative advantage can be applied *Attachment B_RFP #217772-Edu-2021-0243* *Questions Answers_RFP CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0243* Global
RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0243 Early Child Care Development Market Assessment (Readvertised) Market Mapping and Landscape Analysis on Early Childhood Care and Education to understand the broader context in which it is operating and identify strategic opportunities for EduFinance investments in early childhood care and education where USAID’s comparative advantage can be applied *Attachment B_RFP #217772-Edu-2021-0243* *Questions Answers_RFP CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0243* *Questions Answers_RFP CATALYZE-217772-Edu-2021-0243-Readvertised* Global
Amendment 1 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0249 The purpose of this RFP is to identify a Nigerien partner based in Niger to continue and expand early activities. *Attachment 1 Due diligence form* *Attachment 2 Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 3 Written Code Of Business Ethics And Conduct* *Attachment 4 Company Environmental Policy* *CATALYZE Budget Template* *Questions & Answers_217772_Sahel 2022-0249* *Annex B Relevant Project Table* Niger
Funding Opportunity Notice-CATALYZE-EoG-2022-0255 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties wishing to receive funding from the Engines of Growth (EoG) Activity of the USAID CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia)
Amendment 2 RFP-CATALYZE-217772-Sahel-2022-0249 The purpose of this RFP is to identify a Nigerien partner based in Niger to continue and expand early activities. *Attachment 1 Due diligence form* *Attachment 2 Business Partner Code of Conduct* *Attachment 3 Written Code Of Business Ethics And Conduct* *Attachment 4 Company Environmental Policy* *CATALYZE Budget Template* *Questions & Answers_217772_Sahel 2022-0249* *Annex B Relevant Project Table* Niger
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2021-0518 Digitization opportunities in the Agriculture Value-Chain in Ethiopia.*Attachment 1 Due diligence form* *Questions Answers_RFP-CATALYZE_Ethiopia_2021-518* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-ETHIOPIA-2022-0530 Market Opportunities and Potential for Private Multi-Modal Transport Operators (MTOs) in Ethiopia *Attachment 1 Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFP-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2022-0240 Enhancement of selected job placement platforms using job boards in their service delivery in Ethiopia *Attachment 1 Due diligence form* Ethiopia
RFA-CATALYZE-PSD-2022-0028 The purpose of this RFA is to identify up FIs to stimulate increased financing to MSMEs working in ICT, Tourism, Food Processing, Apparel, and Commercial Care sectors. *Questions Answers RFA-CATALYZE-PSD-2022-0028* Sri Lanka
FON-CATALYZE-WB-2022-0252 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia)

Procurement Archive May 2020 – April 2021


SME Competitiveness and Gender Inclusion Assessment The assessment team will meet SMEs including women-owned and women-led SMEs that represent diverse sectors and regions, as well as SME associations, and other stakeholders that drive SME competitive such as technical and vocational training centers (TVETs), large buyers in domestic and international markets, ecommerce platforms, and accelerators, among others. The field work should largely engage SMEs and women-owned SMEs directly to provide context and critical information about (gendered) business constraints and opportunities that will inform program design. Interviews should be held with high-level staff and/or management of these entities, including those who have decision making authority who can answer questions related to the businesses’ most pressing business constraints. These may relate to workforce capacity, management capacity, market linkages, response to COVID-19, and their strategy for continued growth in the future. Sri Lanka
Financing Landscape for SMEs Assessment The goals of the SME financing assessment are to:
i) Map the supply of financing available to SMEs including debt financing, equity, and risk-mitigating financial products
ii) Understand the constraints that financial service providers (including banks, non-bank financial institutions, and investors) confront when financing to SMEs and developing a pipeline of investable deals
iii) Determine training and technical assistance (TA) priorities among these FIs to inform Y1 capacity building efforts
iv) Conduct rapid review of FIs with DCA guarantees to determine the critical success factors and barriers to DCA utilization
v) Collect gender-disaggregated data to establish baseline information SME lending portfolio value estimates and repayment rates.
vi) Determine appetite of FIs for ‘blended finance’ incentive payment arrangements to mitigate risk and bump yield, including initial level of incentives required
Sri Lanka
Intermediary Mapping Assessment The Intermediary Mapping Assessment will provide PSD with a deeper and updated understanding of the BAS market in Sri Lanka. On the supply-side, it will generate a prioritized list of BAS providers (BASPs) delineated by the types of services they offer, pricing of services in the market, and BASPs’ technical assistance needs. On the demand-side, it will identify SMEs’ BAS requirements and willingness to pay. Findings will inform the initial provision of BAS support and the structuring of performance-based financing structures for BASPs to facilitate investments/financing to SMEs. Sri Lanka
LAC Market Assessments Market assessments for education finance. This will consolidate and highlight key findings from multiple country reports. Multiple countries in Latin America and Caribbean
Finance and Operations Start-up Specialist The Finance and Operations Start-up Specialist that will support the Platform to establish project systems in Burkina Faso that will allow for long-term management of project finances, operations, administration, logistics, procurement, and budgeting, with the goal of ensuring that the program is implemented in accordance with USAID and Palladium rules, regulations and procedures. Burkina Faso
Finance and Operations Start Up Specialist CATALYZE will rapidly review and disburse direct grants and/or subcontracts to Sri Lankan companies and organizations focused on bolstering resilience to the secondary economic impacts of COVID-19 and adapting to a new economic landscape and market opportunities. CATALYZE seeks to identify new and innovative partners in Sri Lanka that have intimate familiarity with the economic challenges posed to firms and women-led businesses by COVID-19; and support activities that increase economic growth, resilience, and adaptation through the lens of CATALYZE’s priorities of enhancing SME competitiveness and women’s labor force participation. Sri Lanka
Business Advisory Service Provider (BASP) Mapping Assessment The BASP Mapping Assessment team will gather quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources to establish a better understanding of the characteristics of the Peruvian BASP market today, including who they are (e.g., local consulting firms, transaction advisors, lawyers, individual consultants, deal brokers, etc.), where they are located, skill levels, target market segments for services (e.g. both businesses and FIs), and how capable they are of identifying and packaging both individual, viable business deals, and new partnerships between actors (e.g. FIs, international buyers, agricultural technology companies, supply chain managers, farmers), and closing these deals in partnership with FIs. In some cases, BASPs provide technical assistance as part of their work in structuring financial products for businesses and FIs. The  Assessment will also uncover the extent to which these services are provided by BASPs or not, and whether this is a market opportunity for service providers Peru
Opportunity Assessment The objective of the Opportunity Assessment is to identify where the most promising opportunities exist for expanded financing and investment in the Peruvian Amazon. The Opportunity Assessment will uncover greater understanding of the market and business environment and result in ecosystem mapping for relevant sectors, and a document that presents profiles of immediately viable investment opportunities and strategic partnerships that can be supported by the Catalyzing Investment in the Peruvian Amazon’s Private Sector Activity (CIPAPS) activity. Peru
Variable Payment Obligation (VPO) Design & Rollout To guide the design and rollout of the VPO Program, W-GDP is seeking to contract a qualified entity to: (i) Identify a Financial Institution (FI) partner in the Dominican Republic; (ii) Adapt the financial product; (iii) Create a VPO community-of-practice. * Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Dominican Republic
Subcontractor for Sahel Platform Implementation in Burkina Faso This locally-based partner will provide long-term support managing and monitoring the implementation of the Pay for Results (“P4R”) incentive programs to motivate financial institutions to lend to agricultural producers, other agricultural value chain actors and SMEs, while also incentivizing transaction advisors (or financial facilitators, or “FFs”) who link financial institutions and other sources of finance with the farmers, cooperatives, and enterprises in need in targeted regions and sectors in Burkina Faso with some remote support to the Sahel Platform team in Niger. *Please also complete Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form when submitting a bid* Burkina Faso
Regional Gender Lens Finance Consultant Conduct a rapid assessment of bank partners to understand specific supply-side constraints preventing W-SMEs from accessing finance; design a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS) detailing changes in policy, procedures, training, products, services, and marketing approaches to help each bank client increase the number of W-SME loans; provide technical assistance during the period of the roll-out of the strategy over a period of eight (8) months; guide the design and rollout of financial and non-financial products, in collaboration with a local consultant; and integrate the Financial Incentives Program (FIP) as an add-on to the GLFS in each country, in collaboration with the Palladium team and the local consultants for each country. * Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Latin America
Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (El Salvador) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); and integrate the Financial Incentives Program (FIP) as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * El Salvador
Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (Guatemala) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); design and roll-out a cash flow-based lending product integrating non-financial services for women-led SMEs; and integrate the FIP as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Guatemala
Re-advertised Variable Payment Obligation (VPO) Design & Rollout in the Dominican Republic To guide the design and rollout of the VPO Program, W-GDP is seeking to contract a qualified entity to: (i) Identify a Financial Institution (FI) partner in the Dominican Republic; (ii) Adapt the financial product; (iii) Create a VPO community-of-practice. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Dominican Republic
Amendment-1 Subcontractor for Sahel Platform Implementation in Burkina Faso, and
Question & Answer
This locally-based partner will provide long-term support managing and monitoring the implementation of the Pay for Results (“P4R”) incentive programs to motivate financial institutions to lend to agricultural producers, other agricultural value chain actors and SMEs, while also incentivizing transaction advisors (or financial facilitators, or “FFs”) who link financial institutions and other sources of finance with the farmers, cooperatives, and enterprises in need in targeted regions and sectors in Burkina Faso with some remote support to the Sahel Platform team in Niger. *Please also complete Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form when submitting a bid* *Attachment 2 CATALYZE Sahel_ Simplified Budget* Burkina Faso
COVID 19 Dashboard RFP to solicit information on the design of a COVID 19 Dashboard that will collect data on the impact of the pandemic on the economies in the Western Balkans.

* Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form *

Western Balkans
Amendment 1 Financial Service Ecosystem Assessment in Ethiopia Amended: Review of existing literature/research; Identify and coordinate key informant interviews; Conduct interviews; Develop FI mappy assessment by drawing on information and insights gathered through the desk review, KIIs, and expert analysis. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Ethiopia
Amendment 1 Business Advisory Services Assessment in Ethiopia Amended: Review of existing literature/research; Identify and coordinate key informant interviews; Conduct interviews; Develop FI mappy assessment by drawing on information and insights gathered through the desk review, KIIs, and expert analysis. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Ethiopia
Re-Advertised Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (Guatemala) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); design and roll-out a cash flow-based lending product integrating non-financial services for women-led SMEs; and integrate the FIP as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Guatemala
Amendment: Re-Advertised Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (Guatemala) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); design and roll-out a cash flow-based lending product integrating non-financial services for women-led SMEs; and integrate the FIP as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Guatemala
Re-Advertised Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (El Salvador) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); and integrate the Financial Incentives Program (FIP) as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * El Salvador
Re-Advertised Regional Gender Lens Finance Consultant Conduct a rapid assessment of bank partners to understand specific supply-side constraints preventing W-SMEs from accessing finance; design a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS) detailing changes in policy, procedures, training, products, services, and marketing approaches to help each bank client increase the number of W-SME loans; provide technical assistance during the period of the roll-out of the strategy over a period of eight (8) months; guide the design and rollout of financial and non-financial products, in collaboration with a local consultant; and integrate the Financial Incentives Program (FIP) as an add-on to the GLFS in each country, in collaboration with the Palladium team and the local consultants for each country. Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form * Latin America
Market Assessment of Non-State Education Sector in LAC Region The goal of the regional-level assessment is to synthesize country-level market assessments into a comprehensive regional-level report and provide feedback on the market assessment tool. *Attachment A Five-Point Framework for Education* *Attachment B a sample budget template * LAC Region
Amendment 1 Market Assessment of Non-State Education Sector in LAC Region and Answers to Questions The goal of the regional-level assessment is to synthesize country-level market assessments into a comprehensive regional-level report and provide feedback on the market assessment tool. *Attachment A Five-Point Framework for Education* *Attachment B a sample budget template * LAC Region
Funding Opportunity Notice: Youth Job Placement in Ethiopia The objective of this Funding Opportunity Notice is to prepare and place 2,000 youth in decent jobs in the formal sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and /or secondary cities in the Tigray, Oromia and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. *Attachment 1 CATALYZE MS4G Simplified Budget* *Questions & Answers* Ethiopia
Chief Executive Officer CATALYZE Peru Executive Recruitment Services

RFQ In Spanol

CATALYZE Peru is seeking to procure the services of an executive search firm to identify a qualified candidate for the role of Chief Executive Officer, who will lead the local Peru program in Lima, Peru. *JD_CEO_CATALYZE PERU-2020-0069_English*  *JD_CEO_CATALYZE PERU-2020-0069_Espanol* Peru
Re-Advertised Local Gender Lens Finance Consultant (Guatemala) Conduct a rapid gender assessment to understand specific supply-side constraints; design and roll-out a Gender Lens Finance Strategy (GLFS); design and roll-out a cash flow-based lending product integrating non-financial services for women-led SMEs; and integrate the FIP as an add-on to the GLFS. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form* *Sample budget template * Guatemala
Variable Payment Obligation (VPO) Component Lead in the Dominican Republic To guide the design and rollout of the VPO Program, W-GDP is seeking to contract a qualified individual to participate in preliminary discussions with target financial institutions (FIs); identify the target sub-segment of women-led small and medium enterprises (W-SMEs); collaborate with the local financial service provider to design a cash flow-based loan product that draws on the VPO model; develop a pipeline building strategy for the VPO Program in collaboration with the local FI; and provide strategic advice to the local financial service provider by way of either formal or informal training, mentorship, and coaching to facilitate the roll-out of the VPO Program. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form* *Answers to Questions* The Dominican Republic
Amendment 1 Translation Services Palladium is seeking vendors (consultants and/or firms) to provide translation services on an ad-hoc basis for CATALYZE, a USAID-funded project. *Attachment 1 Due Diligence Form* Core
Re-Advertised -Private Sector in Education Community of Practice Lead The objective of the Private Sector in Education Community of Practice (CoP) is to build a coalition to lead sustained, collaborative engagement among diverse stakeholders who have not consistently interacted with each other; strengthen and communicate the evidence base around a common learning agenda for greater private sector engagement in education (including both core and ancillary services); and enable all stakeholders (e.g.: governments, education practitioners, investors, and civil society) to make data-driven decisions. Global
Office Make Ready Building out/Partitioning of interior for a newly built around 650m2 office. *Attachment-1_-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment 2 – Office Floorplan and Design* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template* Ethiopia
Re-Advertised-Market Assessment of Non-State Education Sector in LAC Region The goal of the regional-level assessment is to synthesize country-level market assessments into a comprehensive regional-level report and provide feedback on the market assessment tool. *Attachment A Five-Point Framework for Education* *Attachment B a sample budget template * LAC Region
CALL FOR EXPRESSION of INTEREST The purpose of this Expression of Interest is to identify a local pool of specialized financial consultants and consulting companies (ie. Business Advisory Service Providers (BASPs) with expertise and capabilities in strategic business planning, financial analysis, and financial engineering, etc. to mobilize capital to viable SMEs with the primary purpose of restoring productivity and retaining employment in the Western Balkans. Western Balkans
Amendment- Office Make Ready and Q&A Building out/Partitioning of the interior for a newly built around 650m2 office. *Attachment-1_-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment 2 – Office Floorplan and Design* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template* *Office Program List* Ethiopia
Funding Opportunity Notice/Call for Proposals The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. *CATALYZE MS4G_ Simplified Budget* Global
Amendment 2- Office Make Ready and 2nd round Q&A Building out/Partitioning of the interior for a newly built around 650m2 office. *Attachment-1_-Due-Diligence-Form* *Attachment 2 – Office Floorplan and Design* *Attachment 3 – Budget Template* *Office Program List* *1st round Q&A* Ethiopia
Amendment – Re-Advertised-Market Assessment of Non-State Education Sector in LAC Region and Q&A The goal of the regional-level assessment is to synthesize country-level market assessments into a comprehensive regional-level report and provide feedback on the market assessment tool. *Attachment A Five-Point Framework for Education* *Attachment B a sample budget template * LAC Region
Local implementing partner for Niger early design phase This locally-based partner will provide early design support for the implementation of the Pay for Results incentive programs to motivate financial institutions to lend to agricultural producers, other agricultural value chain actors, and SMEs, while also incentivizing transaction advisors (or financial facilitators, or “FFs”) who link financial institutions and other sources of finance with the farmers, cooperatives, and enterprises in need in targeted regions and sectors in Niger with some remote support to the Sahel Platform team in Burkina Faso. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* *Attachment 2_Simplified Budget* *Attachment 3_TEMPLATE_FFP Subcontract under USAID CPFF* Niger
Market assessment of non-state education sector in Kenya The assessment will inform the design of an education finance activity in Kenya, especially in the registered low-cost private school market. *Attachment 1_RFP #217772-Edu-2020-0074* *Attachment 2_RFP #217772-Edu-2020-0074* *Questions Answers_217772_Edu 2020-0074* Kenya
EduFinance Rwanda Implementation Activity The overarching goal of the CATALYZE-EduFinance Rwanda activity is to mobilize private finance for the non-state education sector that can increase access to quality education and close the skills gap in Rwanda through skills development. *Attachment 1_RFP CATALYZE-Edu-2021-088* *Attachment 2_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-088* *Questions & Answers_CATALYZE_Edu-2021-088* Rwanda
Amendment 1- Funding Opportunity Notice/Call for Proposals and Questions&Answeres The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Notice (FON) is to solicit applications/proposals from interested parties, wishing to receive funding from the CATALYZE Innovative Blended Finance (CATALYZE) program. *CATALYZE _W-GDP Resilience_Simplified Budget* Global
EduFinance Tanzania Implementation Activity The overarching goal of the CATALYZE EduFinance Tanzania activity is to increase access to quality education in Tanzania by mobilizing private finance for institutions delivering high-quality education services and responding to the educational impact of COVID-19. *Attachment 1_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2020-089* *Attachment 2_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2020-089* *Questions & Answers_CATALYZE_Edu-2020-089* Tanzania
Amendment 01-Independent Performance Evaluation of CATALYZE EduFinance Activities The purpose of this RFP is to identify a qualified organization, or a consortium of organizations to conduct an independent performance evaluation of CATALYZE EduFinance activities. *Attachment 1_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-087* Global
Amendment 01-EduFinance Rwanda Implementation Activity The overarching goal of the CATALYZE-EduFinance Rwanda activity is to mobilize private finance for the non-state education sector that can increase access to quality education and close the skills gap in Rwanda through skills development. *Attachment 1_RFP CATALYZE-Edu-2021-088* *Attachment 2_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-088* *Questions & Answers_CATALYZE_Edu-2021-088* Rwanda
Assessment of SMEs for Business Advisory Services (BAS) The main objective is to assess five (5) firms in Ethiopia in order to identify the five (5) top priorities of support from Business advisory service providers (BASP). *Questions Answers-CATALYZE-Ethiopia-2021-0121* Ethiopia
Amendment 02-Independent Performance Evaluation of CATALYZE EduFinance Activities and Q&A Responses The purpose of this RFP is to identify a qualified organization, or a consortium of organizations to conduct an independent performance evaluation of CATALYZE EduFinance activities. *Attachment 1_RFP-CATALYZE-Edu-2021-087* Global
Heavy machinery industries assessment The purpose of this RFP is to select a Short-Term Technical Advisor to develop a rapid assessment on the heavy industry machinery services landscape in Ethiopia. Ethiopia
Tigray Private Sector Assessment Under this RFP, MS4G will hire a consultant to assess the private sector constraints and challenges in post-conflict Tigray. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form* *Q&A responses* Ethiopia
Transaction Advisory Services The purpose of this RFP is to select a Transaction Advisor that will support the investment facilitation and capital mobilization for enterprises in Ethiopia. *Attachment 1_Due diligence form**Q&A responses* *CATALYZE _Budget Template* Ethiopia